Friday, July 18, 2008

Shots are BAD :(

We took the boys in for their first round of vaccines and they were little troopers. They only cried for about 30 seconds and then they were back to grins and giggles.

Dr. Albert came out to get us because she had just gotten the results back from all of their bloodwork that was drawn on Tuesday. She said that both of them were "remarkably" healthy. Only a couple of things were slightly off, but they were nothing major. We'll repeat the bloodwork in 6 months to make sure that we're on the right track.

Did I mention that we had to "collect" 3 stool samples for each baby? I say "collect", tongue in cheek, because anyone who's had to scoop poop from a baby's diaper knows that there is no neat and tidy way to do it. And, really, the whole reason for scooping poop to begin with, begs you to wear gloves. Seriously, it's NOT fun!