Friday, May 30, 2008

Embassy Date!

I sent an email to Sue this morning asking if she had any news regarding an Embassy date being scheduled for us yet. To my surprise, I got an immediate phone call (for which I couldn't find the phone-ugh!!) and then another on my cell phone.

She was calling to let us know that we have a tentative Embassy date scheduled for July 1st, but is waiting for confirmation from the Ethiopia office before she gives us the all-clear for travel arrangements. I explained to her that we'd already made our plane reservations and Guest House accomodations and that we were planning to be in Ethiopia for an entire month. She was thrilled to hear that we're going to be there for so long and encouraged us to make sure that we have snugli's or wraps for the twins. I assured her that I'd already gotten them and they're in the suitcase ready to go!

For now, it looks as if we have a court date of July 1st - Praise the Lord!
