Sunday, November 11, 2007

New Friends

November 11th, 2007

Matthew had the most amazing experience today. He was recently introduced to a native of Ethiopia, Mesfin Bekele, who invited Matthew to lunch today after church. They met at the Ethiopian Orthodox church, which Mesfin helped to start about a year ago.

The church is in a house on about five acres in Pflugerville, a suburb of Austin. While Matthew was sitting in the parking lot waiting for church to end, the door of the church opened and out came about fifty Ethiopian people, mostly families, dressed in traditional Ethiopian clothes. The men wear mostly American looking clothes, but the women wore lovely white linen dresses with white shawls over their heads. They asked Matthew to stay for a little bread and tea and were extremely warm and welcoming.

I have a feeling we'll be spending a lot of time at church, getting to know our new friends :)