As I sit down to write about what has been going on in our busy lives over the last 2.5 months, I am very much enjoying naptime :) We are down to 1 nap a day, but if we time it right, it can be a very much-needed break in the day.
So much has happened since I last updated. Christmas was an awesome experience this year. We always travel as a family to Bryan-College Station to spend Christmas with our families. We have a total of 4 Christmases in 2 days, which can definitely be overwhelming at times. We have Christmas with Matthew's Dad and Susan on the 23rd, then have Christmas Eve morning with Matthew's Mom, and then end the time in BCS on Christmas Eve with my side of the family before making the 2 hour drive back to Austin so that we can have Christmas morning as a family. This year, it took until Christmas morning for Joshua and Josiah to realize that there was actually a point to all of the chaos. At the beginning, they would simply pull at the paper and rip it off, not realizing that there was a prize inside that they might want to play with. It was quite funny to watch their expressions change with each gift that was opened. It was SO MUCH FUN! This year was a neat Christmas for many reasons, one of which being that we were able to spend Christmas morning with my Mom, sister and brother-in-law and my niece and nephew. The last time that we were able to do that was the year that I graduated from High School and we won't even discuss how long ago that was! Just assume that it's been awhile :) All kidding aside, it was such a blessing to do that again.
favorite things: climbing on top of boxes!
One of my gifts this year came from our sweet Ethiopian friends, Mesfin and Genet. Their gift was a cooking lesson to teach me how to cook some traditional Ethiopian food. They LOVE spending time with Joshua and Josiah and we get to spend some time with great friends. What a neat time we had with them. I'm not ready to open a restaurant, by any means, but at least I can cook a couple of things now :)
In early February, Matthew and Jessica went back to Acuna, Mexico on a medical mission trip with Hill Country Bible Church and Global Outreach. They spent 2 days in Acuna (just across the border from Del Rio, TX), ministering to the community through a medical/dental clinic. It is an amazing experience to be a part of and is something that Jessica particularly feels drawn to. In past trips, she has helped the dentist with tooth extractions, teeth cleaning, etc. This trip, however, she and Matthew spent their time with the children (no surprise there!) who come to the clinic. They did things like face-painting, skits, water balloons, etc. By the time that they got home on Sunday, they were very tired, but also very blessed by the people that they'd spent time with in Acuna.
As we are getting into the month of March (I can't believe that!!), we're getting into the frantic spring schedules that come with having teenage kids. We just finished up school basketball and are getting into baseball full-swing (literally). Christopher's first game is tomorrow and we've only had 1 week of practice. Yikes! It will be very interesting to sit through 1 1/2 hour baseball games with twin (almost) 2 year olds. I'm praying that the other parents don't run for the hills after the first few minutes with us in the stands (I'm kidding). It should be fun, but baseball is not nearly as fast-paced or interesting as basketball, so I'm wondering how they'll do. We shall see!
Speaking of the twins, they are really developing little personalities and changing so fast! I love this age, when they begin to discover all kinds of new things and you begin to see tons of development going on. Joshua and Josiah still love, love, LOVE to dance. They can find a beat in absolutely the most random things, like whisking eggs - seriously! If there's any kind of beat at all they will find it and start dancing. Christopher taught Josiah some crazy dance moves that are absolutely hysterical to watch. Josiah is also becoming quite the bookworm. He loves to get a book and will sit for 10 minutes at a time just looking at the book and turning the pages. Joshua, on the other hand, doesn't sit still for a second! He runs everywhere he goes and has a smile on his face at all times. He runs through the house over and over again, laughing as he goes. Josiah is just now getting the hang of running and doesn't necessarily like the fact that Joshua can run faster than him right now. Josiah is still the charmer and the first to reach engage new people that he meets, especially pretty little girls. The two of them have the charm down to a tee. It is comical to watch them in a group of people. If there's a pretty 4-6 year old sitting anywhere near them, they do everything that they possibly can to flirt with her. They are so darn cute, that we have yet to meet a woman of any age that isn't smitten with them immediately!
It looks like nap time is over and it's almost time to pick up Jessica and Christopher from school, so I'm going to end this post. I'm going to try to sit down every week to update the blog, but I'm not making any promises ;o) Hopefully it won't take an hour to read the next one!
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