Tuesday, July 15, 2008

First Doctor Visit

We took Joshua and Josiah in this morning for their first official visit with the pediatrician. She looked them over from head to toe (literally) and seemed very impressed with how healthy they look.

They were 29 inches long and 24 pounds. At 15 months, they are a little small by American standards. Their weight puts them in the 20th percentile and their height puts them in the 15th percentile. She asked us to be working on slowly moving the boys toward table food, as right now they are only eating Stage 2 baby food, cereal and bottles. Stage 3 baby foods aren't a big hit right now. Those usually get us a "That's so gross" look and then it promptly gets spit out. They just don't like the texture of the Stage 3s, so we'll keep working on it.

We'll return in a week to begin the vaccinations, which I'm so not looking forward to. In the meantime, we went to the lab to have a FULL workup done on the boys. They drew 8 vials of blood for EACH boy. They were extremely unhappy little fellas, as you can imagine. Hoping everything is normal!