Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Home Study is completed

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

As of today, our Home Study is officially complete. We received a copy of it in the mail and were very happy to see that they consider us to be a family who will be able to serve the needs of additional children. As we were going through our rough draft, I told our social worker that it would be really awful to go through this process after parenting 2 children for 12 years, then find out that the state doesn’t think you’re doing a good job. Thankfully, our Home Study provider thinks we’re doing a good job.

We took all of our dossier documents in to be notarized this afternoon. We have 2 documents that we’re waiting to arrive and then we’ll be ready to officially send everything to Christian World Adoption along with a $15,000 check. We’re seeking God’s will in this area and asking Him to make things VERY clear to us as we consider additional ways to fund the upcoming adoption fees.